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Party of Four
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Toast and Coffee
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Drum Solo
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Hanging Up My Heart For You
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Still Sad?
Pied Crows, Burundi
I want to ride my bike
Shape Space
My commitment to make a new drawing now looks like this. Better to be done than perfect. I am thinking about the spaces between things and how to draw that. The spaces between the solid objects that surround me. The spaces between sentences, words, sounds. Silence. The spaces between thoughts.
Feelies? I don't mean to be lazy but, you guys, any ideas what I ought to be drawing? I want to add a drawing everyday. What do you want to see me draw? Be as specific - or as vague - as you like. You know how to reach me. Let me know!
Night Riders
Coffee Brew Methods
Eagle Rock
Pocket Edition
The version of Minecraft being played on the iPhone is called Minecraft - Pocket Edition, or PE for short.
Rule 34
Oh look! A new "Drawing Per Day Project" entry, Rule 34.
This blog post from Sean Bonner, Rule 34 for Creatives - If you create it, there’s someone who will like it has reminded me that it's time I return to posting drawings to the internet.
I first started posting a drawing-a-day based on the following presumptions: that 1.) the public accountability would help encourage a creative habit and that 2.) "going public" daily would help me defeat my overly self-critical ego - embarrassed by everything dumb, anything short of perfection. After considering Rule 34 for Creatives I feel further obligated to continue sharing my goofiest ideas and drawings.
If you haven't done so already, SUBSCRIBE!